lundi 19 mars 2012



I'm sooo sick of this horrible weather in Paris. Tomorrow is only the first day of spring but I already want to be in Juin. I went to Spain a month ago and they were all in shorts and tee-shirts. that is so not faire. we had a few days of nice weather but now it's gotten cold out again. I can't wait to be able to walk around in shorts and a tank top and feel the cool summer breeze on my skin. I WANT TO GO TO SPAIN! I want to go partying on the beach and sleep outside without freezing to death. I am going to a beach party in Spain in about three months, but that's in such a long time! I even made a countdown in my agenda until the party. I can't wait. The only problem is that now time is going by so much slower because i'm like counting the minutes until the party in my head every day.

I'm C R A Z Y, or so I was told !